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From stress to distress, there is only one step.

Stress, a term now largely anglicized, originates from the word "destress" in ancient French. This scourge, too widespread nowadays, requires special attention if we try to reduce it or to make it disappear. So it is this "distress", which biologically represents all the responses of our Organization when it is subjected to pressure from its environment, which we will be interested in today.

Like a great predator, stress happens most often without warning in the jungle of our lives. Difficult to tame, we let it dominate us for lack of knowing how to tame it.

When our body feels attacked by external aggressions, our body begins to produce specific hormones including adrenaline also known as "warrior hormone" and cortisol. In quantity, cortisol severely affects health. This hormone can have a significant weight gain, especially around the abdominal belt, but also the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Initially, the state of stress responded to situations of real danger, but it quickly expanded to any form of disturbance. A sentimental break, the apprehension of the blank page during an examination or even a benign case sometimes, like the unpleasant tone of a colleague, can result in a state of stress.

As Gregory Lacroix said so well in his collection Les euphorisms de Grégoire: "Stress is only the avowed submission to unchosen constraints."

Nevertheless, in front of a mountain of files, a minister's agenda and an ever-increasing demand on the part of companies, it is difficult to remain zen. The pressure is too strong considering also that all of us at its own threshold of tolerance. An imbalance is then perceived between what is required of a person and the resources available to them to meet those expectations.

Many of my patients correspond to this category of professionals who are constantly overworked, overwhelmed with growing responsibilities and very often phase by successive time lags.

Not having a moment of their own, some come to no longer be able to find the inner peace necessary to maintain good mental and physical health.

However, the people I receive are not all executives, many of them have apparently less demanding professions, but the environment in which we live, is enough to generate stressful situations.

When these patients arrive at my office, they are therefore for most of them in search of a well-being that often they do not know define. It is then for me, first of all, to calm their apprehensions and, in a second step, to open up new ways for them to approach the daily with serenity and confidence.

For if one were to think of the great thinker stoic Epictetus: "It is not the events that affect the men, but the idea that they are doing it".

Experience and practice have taught me that it is essential to address the whole being, in the unity of all parts of the body as well as in the deep unity of the body andthe spirit.

It is in this context that I developed the method "Natur Holistic Healing".

My technique is based on a combination of three forms of therapies: Reiki, Reflexology and recovery. The 3 "R's".

Each session begins and ends with attentive listening to the patient, as I have noticed that the stress level is considerably reduced by a simple listening. And when we know the importance of serenity in the healing process...

Nowadays, the stress is unfortunately undercover. It is part of our daily life.

But the good news is that if stress to distress there is only one step, it is sometimes enough that with a hand stretched to step over the pit that separates us from the serenity and resume its walk towards happiness.

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